Joan Gaspar. Disseny Industrial

Joan Gaspar

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  • The role of the designer becomes crucial in developing an idea. During the development process, which is always transcendent, various options or possibilities are chosen or rejected. This process of choosing an opportunity in each case is one of the main assets of design. The designer cannot be alien to technique and its principles and laws or to industrial processes, he needs to control them in order to preserve, improve and enhance his idea; in other words, technique is for design, what words and their use are for writers: through technique, one manages to communicate and excite, to become a relevant or, on the contrary, an insignificant design.
  • I have a special predilection for simple, or rather simple-looking, products. I like unobtrusive and timeless designs. I always look for simplicity and artfulness/ingenuity, two of the features I appreciate most about a design or a product. I am extremely aware of the resources behind the appearance of simplicity. Simplifying is always a complicated task that takes us away from the comfort zone. In fact, it is a challenge that I always prioritize in any project.
  • Designing requires reflection on many aspects that transcend the pure fact of designing and projecting, but in the end, the most relevant aspect and for which all designers should focus on, is the connection with the object and the aspects that will determine its character. That’s why I understand design as a craft, especially in the most intrinsic part, when you deal with the problem and you have to solve it considering the feasibility, the formal issues, and the technical difficulties.

C/ de Melilla, 5 baixos
08022 Barcelona

T +34 932 547 604


C/ de Melilla, 5 baixos
08022 Barcelona

T +34 932 547 604
M +34 629 621 044
